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Train the


A graphic to show the medical education training pathway


The Dudley Group follows the criteria for trainer recognition as set out by the GMC for the roles of named educational supervisor and named clinical supervisor.  The GMC uses the professional standards formulated by the Academy of Medical Educators (2014) and all named education supervisors and named clinical supervisors must provide evidence of their ongoing professional development against seven domains.

Dudley uses the Premier IT Revalidation ePortfolio (PReP) for collecting this evidence, plus one additional domain for equality and diversity.

The GMC defines an educational supervisor as;

“A trainer who is selected and appropriately trained to be responsible for the overall supervision and management of a specified trainee’s educational progress during a clinical training placement or series of placements.”

team work icon

The domains that need to be met for Clinical and Education Supervisors are set out below:

DomainClinical Supervisor
Educational Supervisor requirement
1. Ensuring safe and effective patient care
2. Establishing and maintaining an environment for learning
3. Teaching and Facilitating learning
4. Enhancing learning through assessment
5. Supporting and monitoring educational progressNot required
6. Guiding personal and professional developmentNot required
7. Continuing professional development as an educator
Equality and Diversity Training
Empty beds in a hospital ward

Thereafter, to maintain recognition as a trainer, senior doctors and consultants are required to participate in annual appraisal, which includes evidence of educational CPD. 

This would be demonstrated by:

  • one piece of evidence covering domain 7 (CPD) per annum, 
  • plus three other separate types of evidence in any five year period.
  • maintenance of Equality and Diversity Training every three years.



The Trainer Recognition date is set for a five year period by the GMC from date of recognition.


Further information and resources for Clinical Tutors

Below are some useful website links that can help and support your training.

Postgraduate Education Logo in white

Clinical Education Centre South Block,
Russells Hall Hospital
Pensnett Road, Dudley. DY1 2HQ

Telephone: (01384) 321095
Fax: (01384) 321016
Email: [email protected]

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