Speech and Language

 We are a team of Speech and Language Therapists, providing a service to patients in our inpatient and outpatient settings. We specialise in the assessment, treatment and management of patients with a wide range of communication, voice and /or swallowing difficulties. We help people with a variety of conditions such as head and neck cancers, voice disorders, neurological conditions and respiratory conditions. Following our assessment, advice and/or treatment plans will be developed to meet the individual needs and may include:
- Provision of advice and strategies to maximise current function. For patients with swallowing difficulties, this may involve modification of consistencies and textures of food and drink, swallowing postures and /or manoeuvres where appropriate.
- Therapy to rehabilitate impaired function
- Education of carers
- Advice on communication aids
- Onward referral for instrumental assessments, e.g. such as an x-ray of the swallowing or videofluroscopy, or F.E.E.S (Fibreoptic Nasendoscopic Evaluation of the Swallowing)
Once I had done my first language assessment I was really excited as I had made my first formal diagnosis. I felt like all my hard work had paid off.
Chantelle Allen
Speech and LangugeÂ

We see patients with a range of diagnoses including:
- Head and Neck Cancers (e.g. cancers of the mouth and throat).
- Stroke.
- A range of neurological conditions (e.g. Multiple Sclerosis, Motor Neurone Disease and Parkinson’s Disease).
- Dementia.
- Respiratory conditions.
- ENT disorders.

We also provide patients with instrumental swallow assessments through our weekly Videofluoroscopic Swallow Study (VFSS) clinics and Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing (FEES).
Deliver a joint SLT/ENT Voice Clinic

Further information and resources about speech and language therapy
Below are some useful website links.